2016*16届中国(山西)国际美容美发美体化妆用品博览会 16th China (Shanxi) International Beauty, Hairdressing & Cosmetics Expo 2016 同期举办:2016中国(山西)国际化妆品、个人护理用品及医学整形美容博览会 Concurrent Expo: China (Shanxi) International Cosmetics, Personal-Care Supply & Medical Plastic Beauty Expo 2016 时间:6月11-13日 地点:太原-中国煤炭博物馆 Date: Jun. 11-13 Venue:Taiyuan-China Coal Museum 主办单位:山东美博国际文化传播有限公司 山西省美容美发化妆品协会 支持单位:山西省商务厅 山西省技术质量监督局 山西省工商联 山西省妇联 承办单位:山东美博国际文化传播有限公司 战略合作单位:【美妆商城】 【*化妆品招商网】 山西《魅力广告》杂志 山西《悦美》杂志 *媒体:中展在线 中国美容网 山东《红妆资讯》杂志 海外招展:山东美博国际文化传播有限公司国际部 中国香港东港国际展览有限公司 Sponsors:Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd Shanxi Beauty, Hairdressing & Cosmetics Association Supporters :Shanxi Province Department of Commerce Shanxi Province Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision Shanxi Province Federation of Industry & Commerce Shanxi Province Federation of Women Organizer :Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd Strategic Cooperators: 【Beauty Mall】 【Hot Cosmetics Investment network】www.5588. TVShanxi “Charming Advertisement” Magazine, Shanxi "Yue Mei” The designated media:Zhongzhan Online China beauty network Shandong “Hong Zhuang” Beauty Magazine Overseas Sales :International Department of Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Donggang International Exhibition Co., Ltd. ■展会介绍 Exhibition Introduction 2016*16届中国(山西)国际美容美发化妆用品博览会在太原—中国煤炭博物馆举行,由山东美博国际文化传播有限公司与山西省美容美发行业协会合作筹办,展场面积12000平方米,参展企业及**约500家。 山西美博会本着“让客户做生意更便捷”的企业使命,在不断拓展规模,提炼升华,做中国美容行业上、下游良好资源对接的平台和好助手。为方便更多业内**人士前往观摩,了解更多更新的行业潮流信息、寻求更多的合作发展机会,我们将为行业内人士、**观众提供较*的服务。 16th China(Shanxi) International Beauty, Hairdressing & Cosmetics Expo 2016 will be held in Taiyuan-China Coal Museum. It is jointly organized by Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd and Shanxi Beauty, Hairdressing Industry Association. The exhibition area is 12000 m2 , About 500 exhibitors participate in the Expo. Shanxi Beauty Expo has the purpose of "Facilitating your success with our exhibitions", aiming to develop the exhibition scale, refined and sublimated, to be a good platform of China beauty industry resource connection. To facilitate more industry professionals to visit and know more updated industry trend information, seek more developing opportunities, we will offer full range of services for industry personage and professional audience.