2016*6届中国(郑州)国际高端美容院线产品及化妆品展览会 6th China (Zhengzhou) International High-end Beauty Products & Cosmetic Expo 2016 时间:4月27-29日 地点:郑州国际会展中心 Date: April 27-29 Venue: Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center 主办单位:山东美博国际文化传播有限公司 承办单位:郑州美展文化传播有限公司 *媒体:中展在线 中国美容网 山东《红妆资讯》杂志 战略合作单位:【美妆商城】 【*化妆品招商网】 河南《红妆资讯》杂志 海外招展:山东美博国际文化传播有限公司国际部 中国香港东港国际展览有限公司 Sponsors:Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Organizers: Zhengzhou Meizhan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. The designated media:Zhongzhan Online China beauty network Shandong “Hong Zhuang” Beauty Magazine Strategic Cooperators: 【Beauty Mall】 【Hot Cosmetics Investment network】www.5588. TV Henan“Hong Zhuang” Beauty Magazine Overseas Organizers: International Department of Shandong Meibo International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Donggang International Exhibition Co., Ltd. ■展会介绍 Exhibition Introduction 2016中国(郑州)国际高端美容院线产品及化妆用品展览会简称2016郑州国际高端美博会,本届展会展出面积**过20000平米,**观众预计达到40000人次。展会设有特装区、国际展区、豪华**区、标准展位区等,展位分区和布局更加合理,是您招募经销商、代理商、分销商、*连锁及展示企业风采的平台。 郑州国际高端美博会属于中原地区,辐射周边八省一市:河南、河北、山西、山东、陕西、湖北、安徽、江苏、天津等,同时组委会在河南省17地市208县,设**大巴车乘坐服务,方便快捷尽显人性化。展会期间名品荟萃、**云集,是业内人士实现一站式采购计划的理想平台。此外,展会期间举行一系列兼具学术性及商业性的精彩活动及高端论坛,使郑州国际高端美博会的内涵更为丰富,更有吸引力。 China (Zhengzhou)International High-end Beauty Products & Cosmetics Fair 2016 is called Zhengzhou High-end Beauty Expo 2016 for short. 20000m2 exhibition area and 40000 professional visitors are available in the fair. There will be 4 areas in the fair including special decoration area, international area, luxury brand area and standard booth area. Booth partition and layout are very reasonable, and it is a platform for you to recruit dealers, agents, distributors, franchising and demonstrating the profiles of the enterprises. Zhengzhou International High-end Beauty Expo belongs to Central China, and spreads over eight provinces and one city like Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu and Tianjin. Meanwhile, organizing committee offers complimentary shuttle bus service in 17 cities and 208 counties of Henan Province, this is convenient and efficient, and also shows humanization. The fair is an ideal platform for insiders to realize one-stop purchasing plan because there are famous brands and elites here. Furthermore, a series of academic & commercial activities and high-end forums makes the sense of Zhengzhou International High-end Beauty Expo becoming more fruitful and attracting. 杨梅